A Letter From PLANT's CEO
In Response To The Coronavirus
Our landscape design and build company strives to be motivated by love, hope and sacrifice for others, especially the vulnerable, which are in this case the elderly and unwell. PLANT has taken immediate and decisive action to protect the vulnerable in our community and families.
Our mission is to love our neighbors through giving them backyards that they love, through a process that they love. In this season that includes living and communicating well so that even the manner in which we move through our community communicates LOVE. We are going to take a few steps as a company to LOVE our team, community and customers well.
- Our office team is working from home whenever possible until further notice. All of us, even our field teams and vendors, have agreed to not come in to work if anyone is ill, feels ill. PLANT has taken the responsibility to make sure these decisions do not result in a negative financial impact to our team.
- When we see clients and team members, we will refrain from handshaking, and will wash hands with soap, for at least 20 seconds before and after visiting client properties. In the event in-person meetings are necessary, we will be standing 6’ or so from clients and one-another, the recommended distance to avoid transmission.
- When we do go to the office, we will wash hands before coming in, and before leaving, so we don’t inadvertently communicate the virus.
- We will offer remote appointments whenever possible and reasonable. There is a “remote quote” option on the website.
- We are cancelling all of our near-term travel arrangements for our team.
- When we are on the property of elderly and vulnerable customers, we will refrain from touching shared surfaces, and under no circumstances, will go inside their homes.
- We will endeavor to steward this time well, not retreating into isolation, but creating a renewed sense of community as a distributed team and company, compensating for a lack of practicing cultural norms of communication by intentionally expressing thankfulness, gratitude for one another, and communicating care through diligent follow-through and proactive, prompt communication.
We believe that now more than ever, we have the opportunity to demonstrate our love and concern, though it may come at a personal and organizational cost. But I am hopeful that with this season will come unexpected blessings as well as challenges.
Thank you all for joining me in loving each other well!
May God direct our actions and the way in which we communicate!
Jon Kontz